• Unique opportunity: Helping construct an Islamic School, youth center & Mosque is an incredible act of Sadaqa Jaariyah (Continuous charity) which encompasses the good deeds which the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said will give rewards even after one departs this world (dunya), and when it is done in Ramadan the rewards are multiplied. Insha’Allah

    If you have loved ones like parents, family members or friends, who have departed this world and you wish to send some rewards their way then you can do it by donating in their name to this project or if you wish to build a future for your own self and want to secure this blessing for yourself too, then you can do it as well. Insha’Allah.

    Sadaqa Jaariya : Click Here



    Explore the spiritual elevation journey of Fasting in the month of Ramadan with the online course below:

    Fasting: Your Metamorphosis : Watch Here


    Ramadan and Qur'an go together. Watch this course to reflect on the relevance of the Qur'an in this era.

    The Qur'an: Is it suitable for our time? : Watch Here

    Zakat is an obligation, which is mandatory for everyone who can afford to. This is given in Ramadan. There is Sadaqa which is charity to support the people in need and to establish communities and take care of their needs.

    Charity : Click Here

Blogs for the youth!


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